money supply targets - translation to Αγγλικά
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  • ετυμολογία

money supply targets - translation to Αγγλικά

Money bills; Supply Bill; Supply bill; Money Bill; Money Bills; Supply bills

money supply targets      
money stock         
  • China M2 money supply vs USA M2 money supply
  • Individual Consumer Loans at All Commercial Banks, 1990–2008
  • HKD vs USD over the year
  • Components of the money supply of [[India]] in billions of [[Rupee]] for 1950–2011
  • CPI]]
  • M0, M1 and M3. US-GDP and M3 of Eurozone for comparison. Logarithmic scale.
  • thumb
  • pounds sterling]].
  • The [[euro]] money supplies M0, M1, M2 and M3, and euro zone GDP from 1980–2021. Logarithmic scale.
  • [[Japan]]ese money supply (April 1998 – April 2008)
  • [[New Zealand]] money supply 1988–2008
  • publisher=St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank}}</ref>
  • U.S.]] M3 money supply as a proportion of [[gross domestic product]].
Money Supply; Monetary aggregate; Monetary aggregates; Money with zero maturity; Money to Zero Maturity; Money stock; Money stocks; Money of zero maturity; Money of Zero Maturity; Money with Zero Maturity; Money Zero Maturity; Money zero maturity; Monetary exchange equation; M4 money supply; Monetary Aggregates; M3 monetary aggregate; M2 monetary aggregate; M1 monetary aggregate; M0 monetary aggregate; Increase in money supply; Money in circulation; M2 (economics); M1 (economics); M3 (economics); Supply of money; M0 (economics); Quantity of money; M1 (money supply measure); Stock of money; Circulating supply; Supply of Money
денежная масса, сумма денег в обращении (включая банковские депозиты); запас денег
money supply         
  • China M2 money supply vs USA M2 money supply
  • Individual Consumer Loans at All Commercial Banks, 1990–2008
  • HKD vs USD over the year
  • Components of the money supply of [[India]] in billions of [[Rupee]] for 1950–2011
  • CPI]]
  • M0, M1 and M3. US-GDP and M3 of Eurozone for comparison. Logarithmic scale.
  • thumb
  • pounds sterling]].
  • The [[euro]] money supplies M0, M1, M2 and M3, and euro zone GDP from 1980–2021. Logarithmic scale.
  • [[Japan]]ese money supply (April 1998 – April 2008)
  • [[New Zealand]] money supply 1988–2008
  • publisher=St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank}}</ref>
  • U.S.]] M3 money supply as a proportion of [[gross domestic product]].
Money Supply; Monetary aggregate; Monetary aggregates; Money with zero maturity; Money to Zero Maturity; Money stock; Money stocks; Money of zero maturity; Money of Zero Maturity; Money with Zero Maturity; Money Zero Maturity; Money zero maturity; Monetary exchange equation; M4 money supply; Monetary Aggregates; M3 monetary aggregate; M2 monetary aggregate; M1 monetary aggregate; M0 monetary aggregate; Increase in money supply; Money in circulation; M2 (economics); M1 (economics); M3 (economics); Supply of money; M0 (economics); Quantity of money; M1 (money supply measure); Stock of money; Circulating supply; Supply of Money
денежная масса, сумма денег (в обращении), количество денег


Автономный источник электропитания

источник электрической энергии, необходимой для работы схем и устройств, не связанных с линиями электропередачи. Различают А. и. э., конструктивно объединённые с потребителем (например, гальванические или аккумуляторные батареи (См. Аккумуляторная батарея) в малогабаритных радиоприёмниках и карманных электрических фонариках, солнечные батареи (См. Солнечная батарея) на искусственных спутниках Земли, стартёрные и тяговые аккумуляторные батареи на транспорте и т.д.), и А. и. э. выносного типа, не связанные с потребителем (например, Передвижная электростанция, Энергопоезд и др.).


Money bill

In the Westminster system (and, colloquially, in the United States), a money bill or supply bill is a bill that solely concerns taxation or government spending (also known as appropriation of money), as opposed to changes in public law.

Μετάφραση του &#39money supply targets&#39 σε Ρωσικά